If you would like to volunteer as a mentor or help with enrolling new patients click here and a staff member will contact you.
Our Warriors
These people are why we are here and why we do what we do.
Each one of our warriors has had their own journey and special circumstances. In each testimonial we hear we gain strength to continue on our mission of helping more cancer warriors such as ourselves. We hope you enjoy reading their stories and that it might inspire you to give, volunteer and/or give back in some way to our cancer community. To each of them we wish the very best as they strive for a Living Proof Lifestyle and show others what it takes to own this word we are associated with and growth from it.
Patients click here to share your cancer story & how Living Proof Cancer Warriors assisted you.
OMG, I can’t believe I finally get to go see the doctor. Thank you soooo much. I am so happy right now.
David“I cry tears of joy & I’m so grateful for the blessings. It’s really no words that can express my gratitude. I want to thank everyone that’s assisted me on the board. They have given me the opportunity to relax my mind and be stress free about that bill, which is my biggest bill. Thanks to any and everyone who assisted – I’m truly grateful”
LaQuinshia R.“Thank you so much. You have truly been a blessing words can’t explain”
Nikki & David WYour foundation’s assistance has continually been a gift to us.
Sydney on behalf of William“Thank you so much, We really appreciate your help a lot and you are always in our prayers.”
Sara S.“Thanks to YOU and the ORGANIZATION for being such a Blessing in my life during this trying time. I don’t know how I can ever repay you and them.” ~ Shaquita J.
Shaquita JI wanted to say thank you again for everything ya’ll have done. Ya’ll really were a great big help. Thank you again.
Jerry“You have been so understanding. Thanks for all you do. God Bless You.”
Barbara W“I am incredibly grateful for the many support systems Living Proof have provided and I look forward to the opportunities to pay it forward…” ~ Lesley S.
Lesley S.I can’t thank you enough for all that you do. Not only for financial help, but you also spent precious time just having conversations with me. Thank you Trisha with all my heart.
Lisa W.“Thanks so much. Just started the treatment. That helps a lot to be checked on. I really appreciate you. I’m so thankful for all the help. May God bless you all.”
Mercy O.Tanya’s Cancer Journey
This is what Living Proof Cancer Warriors means to me and my children and honestly I hope I am able to verbalize the magnitude of how your help has impacted my future and my children’s. I am very honored and humbled to have been selected by your organization firstly because I know there are so many well deserving families and who need help as I.
I kept thinking why me? Why pick me? I’m the person who never got picked; but I am also the person who takes joy in being the giver for decades, not receiver. And then cancer came to teach me a whole new mountain of life altering lessons and embark on a journey with a few repeats to re-learn my self-worth, my value, purpose, and whose I am first. Cancer steels more than I ever imagined and brings many scary days, nights, months filled with uncertainty. But God.
Although I have a very long journey that started at age 34 in 2015 with diagnosis of HER2- breast cancer, Living Proof Cancer Warriors came into my family’s life during my 3rd breast cancer diagnosis in fall of 2018. And this was at the perfect timing, God’s timing. When I received Trisha’s call about my case and provided me with the history of this organization and how the process works I remembered I was sitting on the floor in the hallway by my filing drawers. I was going through piles of paperwork trying to get organized and sort the current happenings of life. I was fighting for my life, for my children to have a mother, a home, and going through many deep, dark emotional heartbreaks and trials. Feeling alone, pain, sick, and scared is simply stating what I was going through. Trisha handled my “chemo brain” with grace and empathy. What should have been simple answers I was scattered, as I remember. I am not sure if Trisha recalls those phone calls and correspondence from my daily chemo brain days, but no matter how hard of a time I was enduring, she repeatedly reaffirmed my value, that I am not alone, I am a warrior, and that I am believed in. To be told over and over I am believed in gave me a hope that I had lost.
You see, part of my journey I was told I am not loved and left to defend for my children and I. I was told I did not amount to being a woman of value having lost so much to over 10 cancer surgeries and countless rounds of variety of chemo treatments. I was not worth fighting for. Long, long story short: my now ex-husband walked out of our children’s and my life in December 2017, during my 2nd battle of breast cancer, Triple Negative. With that alone brought devastation and horrific hurts, clarity & peace stolen, and a divorce battle that was a constant weight and fears of what-if’s…in addition to fighting for my life against a disease that has no empathy, no care, or reference for keeping families together.
Living Proof Cancer Warriors came into our life at God’s perfect timing. I was praying for many physical and financial miracles. I didn’t know many “how am I doing to make this happen and survive this season”. You picking me as grant recipient and working with me sparked a flame and ignited hope I had lost through each painful struggle and challenge. Not only because of monetary donation and life altering help that kept a home for children and me, but also mental, emotional, and spiritual help. I cannot say thank you enough to express the levels of impact you have on my family but thank you. For doing the grilling work volunteering and raising awareness, seeing a need to make a difference in the journey of cancer. Cancer is horrible, most definitely yes…but out of ashes comes beauty and Living Proof Cancer Warriors was a turning point of what tried to destroy us was not able to succeed! Thank you for caring. Thank you for seeing value in my children and myself…during a time all I saw was a very hurt woman who was left at a time I didn’t even know if I was going to live; I believed for some time I was a failure, deformed, a hairless freak…but God reminded me whose I am first and I am made whole, in His image, and He brought us y’all (getting some Texan in) who picked me to help and become a living legacy for my children.
I hope this helps express my thankfulness, gratitude, the forever lasting impact you have on my family, the hope you instill, uplifting me when I was down (deep, deep down), and meeting needs far greater than imagined. I am forever thankful you picked me…beyond humbled and appreciative! Rescued us and provided a chance for many stressors uplifted so I can fight to live; that’s Agape. Thank you for helping me live so I could beat Triple Negative cancer, overcome divorce, defeat worthlessness, and grow…to be mom to Conner and Zoe.
I am Living Proof!
Cancer Warrior 2015/2016 (HER2-), 2017/2018 (Triple Negative), 2018/2019 (Triple Negative)
Mother to Conner & Zoe
“Faith, Fight, Finish”
“My kids are watching; there is no giving up”
“God is good all the time”
Tanya was our first Warrior and an example to us all on how to be steadfast, loyal, loving, selfless, faithful, funny, fearless and adventurous. Tanya’s cancer returned again the fall of 2019 and spread to her skin. She fought harder than anyone we have ever met with perseverance and belief unsurpassed by anything. She finished her fight on Monday, May 18th at 11:30pm. We would like to honor Tanya by keeping a fund established by her family and friends available for her children on our site. If you would like to donate to either fund you can go to https://www.ugift529.com/ and enter Code: U6N-33A for her son Conner or Code: 63K-V6T for her daughter Zoe.
October 1, 1990 – May 18, 2020 Faith – Fight – Finish – We LOVE you Tanya.

Jeff’s Cancer Journey
In Memoriam by Stevi Gallegos, his lovely wife
Jeff had a mole above his left eye that had grown. In June of 2017 he went to a dermatologist where they performed a biopsy. The doctor called a week later and said he wanted to talk to him in person. We knew right away that it was not good news. The biopsy came back positive for Melanoma, a form of skin cancer. A week later we met with a surgeon at MD Anderson in Houston. In July he had three separate surgeries performed in three weeks. The first one was to remove everything from above his eyebrow and other suspicious areas on his face to see if it had spread. The second one was by a plastic surgeon to close up the openings from the first surgery. The third one was to remove over 50 lymph nodes and part of his parotid gland. Both surgeons did an awesome job. We then met with his oncologist and radiologist who started him on five rounds of radiation between August and September. The oncologist then started him on immunotherapy in November. He had about seven treatments before he started to get a rash and his muscles started to bother him. The team decided to stop the immunotherapy to figure out what else was going on. He met with a rheumatologist who and neurologist who diagnosed him with Dermatomyositis, a chronic illness that causes fatigue, rashes and muscle soreness. Jeff did not let this hold him back as he kept working 50 plus hours a week while they tried to come up with a treatment plan.
In November of 2018, he started IVIG treatments that helped him quite a bit. It was about this time that we also found out that his cancer had returned. His oncologist wanted to try some other treatments so they did two rounds of chemo by itself. His body did not respond as they had hoped. They tried two more rounds of chemo with a different immunotherapy. His body still did not respond.as they had hoped. His oncologist was going to try to get him on a trial but his health started to decline. We took him to the emergency room in Austin on April 5, 2019. On April 15th he was transferred to MD Anderson in Houston. They started him on a rehab program to help regain his strength back. On May 15th he had new scans done. On May 17th we got news that his cancer had spread to his spleen and kidney. As soon as we found out we knew we wanted to get him back to Colorado to be with his family. We were put in touch with Trisha of Living Proof Cancer Warriors, who was a big help in getting us back to Colorado. We got back to Colorado on May 15th.
Jeff lost his battle on July 2, 2019. The one thing I can say is that Jeff fought a hell of a battle and he didn’t let it get in the way of living his life to the fullest.
Our family collected funds in Jeff’s name to give back to your wonderful charity. We cannot thank you enough for all you did for us and most importantly, Jeff. We will continue to donate as much as we can to your amazing cause. ~Kristi McAfee
Dana’s Cancer Journey
Hello, my name is Dana Mingo and I am a cancer survivor and thriver. I was first diagnosed at the age of 25 with Stage III Ovarian Cancer. I also had about 4-5 months of chemo just to be sure they got it all. For 16 years, the small nodules in which my gynecologist oncologist said could not be removed through surgery, lay dormant with no activity. At the great age of 41, I remember getting a call from my doctor that my CA-125 numbers were up and needed a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvic immediately. Then came a biopsy to test the nodules since they were located in my lymph nodes. The test came back malignant! I was like I can beat this as I already beat it 16 years earlier. I went through a mild form of chemo treatment and an oral pill and the tumors shrunk and were not a threat anymore. I was like yes, I beat it again. Well 2 years later at age 43, they reared their ugly heads again and required chemotherapy for almost a year, going every 3 weeks or so.
This was the hardest time of my life. I was much older, so my body was slower to bounce back, not to mention my mindset being everywhere. I needed to keep working so I would have insurance and meet our financial requirements for the household. Despite losing all our savings, our home, cars, I knew my focus had to be on getting healthy and not worry about the material things. My health and energy were getting back on track and my numbers went down under 10 for my CA-125. This is where my doctor wanted them to be, so I was like YES! Time to rebuild and restore, this was the end of 2016. So, I thought. The new year rolls around in 2017 and not so good news. I am told let’s just monitor you. No need for any more treatment, for now. God knew then, my body was at its limit from the year before. 2018 rolls around and my doctor says it’s time for a new treatment plan. A new drug that just came out called Zejula, was developed for ovarian cancer patients. I was open to this and began the new treatment plan.
Things were moving along, finances finally getting back on track, so I could focus on healing and maintain a sense of balance. However, much to my surprise, I was let go from my job soon after I started the new drug. I was like WOW, of all things, the enemy is really fighting me hard and truly wanting my life to end. It was like one thing after another. Unemployment was some help. But how do you go from an $82K annual job down to receiving unemployment for less than $2K a month. That’s $24K a year and only for less than a year. It was a scary time for me and my family. No job, barely an income, and now no insurance to buy the medicine. At that time since the medicine was so new, a 1-month supply was $15K and there was no co-pay assistance. How can one afford this, I surely knew I was headed for death. From April of 2018 to April of 2019, it was truly a test of my faith in God and my love for Him. I look back and don’t know how or what. All I know is that despite having limited funds coming in and limited insurance for my treatment and doctor, He kept those tumors at a standstill. You are probably wondering, why not seek help from the state or other means. Believe me I did, I searched out many organizations, only to be told no. So, I was like why bother. My family helped out tremendously and so did my church, but you get to a point where you want to just give up.
One day at the doctor’s visit, I noticed a form for social work services. So, I filled it out. I began to talk with a social worker and she began to hear me out, listen to my concerns and provided various resources for mental & physical wellness, my student loans to be deferred, and financial resources. I applied for various assistance, but no one ever contacted me back. By the grace of God, Living Proof Cancer Warriors contacted her and said we have some funding we need to provide to someone in need. I came to mind, after all these years! I submitted my application and gave it to God and said if you see fit for them to help me, then I will be obedient and not be ashamed.
I got an email from Trisha Abbe with Living Proof Cancer Warriors, then the call, then another call, then a visit. The calls and visits were a Godsend, not just about the financial resources, but just to talk with someone on the other end who has been through what I have, who could hear me and offer encouragement. Don’t get me wrong, I am forever grateful for my family, friends and church over the years, for their support. However, nothing compares to a sister or brother that has been in the battle and understands what you are going through. That was the best part for me. Trisha reminded me that I am not alone. See cancer can make you feel alone sometimes. It can distract you and steal your joy. It can really put you in the dumps. That is why I am so grateful to the LPCW. They came through when we needed them. Rebuilding our lives. Although, I am still in the fight I will press on for my brothers and sisters. Those that have passed on and those of us thriving together. Through great organizations such as LPCW, one can focus on healing and not so much on finances. They helped us with our bills and I am forever grateful. I pray that God continues to bless and prosper LPCW. They are indeed living by their mission, to sustainable resources and financial assistance. No judgement, just love and genuine hearts. I look forward to volunteering and offering mentoring as well, as the need arises. Giving back is what it’s about and Living Proof Cancer Warriors is LIVING PROOF that one can make a difference in someone’s life for the good.I am a living testimony.

Ashley’s Cancer Journey
When I was 26 years old, I was diagnosed with CML, Leukemia. Once diagnosed I was immediately admitted to the hospital and began chemotherapy. Since my diagnosis, in 2009 I have taken an oral chemotherapy daily. This has allowed me to live as normal of a life as possible with my diagnosis. It also allowed me to work full time and keep up with my vivacious 4 year old daughter,
I have been blessed to be able to keep my cancer at bay for so long with just an oral chemo.
However, in July of 2018, my body stopped responding to chemotherapy, as my molecular blood levels continued to elevate. My team of doctors decided to see if my body would respond to a difference oral chemotherapy, which unfortunately did not help lower my blood levels. This led my doctors to decide it was time to move forward to have a bone marrow/stem cell transplant.
After searching for a donor and finding a match, the doctors proceeded with the transplant process. On June 6th, 2019, I was admitted to the hospital to begin a journey that will hopefully lead me to a cancer free life.
After six days of intense chemotherapy, my body was given one day of rest and on June 14th, 2019, I received my transplant. On the bone marrow/stem cell transplant floors of the hospital transplant day is known as your “New Birthday. The doctors and nurses warned me that the side effects would be rough. I would have to say rough is an understatement, and I can now say I have a new appreciation for the phrase, “bald is beautiful.” Every morning when I wake up in the morning, I tell myself “I’ve got this” and I can do this.”
Since being released from the hospital, I am able to be at home but still have to return weekly to follow-up appointments. These doctors appointments last most of the day and take a lot out of me. They check my blood levels to make sure the new cells are growing, and to ensure I remain infection free. It will take 6-9 months to determine the success of the transplant, while a full recovery could take up to two years. Living with cancer is something you have to learn to embrace. It is not something that defines you, it is just a diagnosis. Cancer has taught me how to appreciate love, life and what a strong support unit looks like, with them you really can conquer any challenge, even on your worst day. Cancer gave me character, acceptance, never give up, courage, energy and radiance.
Thank you so much Living Proof Cancer Warriors.

Angel’s Cancer Journey
In early 2019 I went to the hospital because I was not feeling well. They came in to tell my wife they were going to admit me. They did a colonoscopy and when I woke my wife was just sitting there sad. I told her to please tell me what is wrong. The doctor’s say you have cancer.
They told me to come back in three weeks and they will do the surgery. I thought, it’s not a big deal. So, I went in, did the surgery. When I came in to get the results the doctor was touching my arm and said in ‘well, it’s very rough’, you’re going to have to have chemo. I know that I needed to face everything that was going on. I believe I have to be real and face it with a strong spirit. I have to find the courage. I have to find the courage from within. I have too many people who love me. So, I called work, told them what was happening and they told me not to worry, take the time I need.
When I called my employer I was told that my local route was re-assigned to someone else. I was told I would have to do a long distance route with less money and more physical work.. I still had treatments and because of an ownership change, I had lost some of my vacation time. My bills were getting behind. Even with my wife’s job, support from my family members and local church, I still was struggling.
There was a lady at Cancer Support Community that introduced me to Living Proof Cancer Warriors. I called them and they were so helpful. We didn’t have money to pay for the chemo or our house. We didn’t have money for groceries. Living Proof gave us what we needed to catch up with our insurance premiums, mortgage and groceries from Sprouts. It was as time that was shaky grounds for us. Living Proof would always check on me and my wife and make sure we were okay. They made us feel we mattered to Living Proof.
I finished my last chemo treatment in January of 2020 and had my port removed. I also was able to get my CDL license and was hired on with a new company in which I love.
Thank you Living Proof Cancer Warriors

Jennifer’s Cancer Journey
I would like to say Living Proof Cancer Warriors is an awesome foundation.
My huband lost his job in March 2020 due to the COVID pandemic. I was then diagnosed on July 8, 2020 with breast cancer and subsequently had a double mastectomy on August 21, 2020. We got behind on our rent and did not know what to do.
Someone in my neighbordhood told me about Living Proof Cancer Warriors. They are a blessing and an angel in disguise. Not only did they help with my rent, but when I started my radiation they helped with my deductible so I could get started. So not only do I want to say thank you to Ms. Trisha for all you have done, but also to the donors and sponsors as well. Without you and your generosity, people like me would not know what to do.
Thank you!

My Story – Javier Saucedo
I was diagnosed with colon cancer stage 4 in 2014 and after several surgeries, chemo, radiology, CT scan, etc.
It took a lot of family, church choir members and the Knights of Columbus prayers,
I thank God every morning and day. I celebrated my 40th year anniversary 2/14/2022 my wife April, a very special person that has been there for me always. I got spend time with my daughter Sara and her husband Bryan, grand daughter Victoria and her new brother Alejandro born January 2022.
My older son Adam was there going with me to chemo and Dr. appointment, MY son John-Paul getting his Master Degree. I am blessed to be here to enjoy the events and With GOD willing I will continue. I am Blessed.
I join cancer support community in 2022 Patricia referred me to LIVING PROOF CANCER WARRIORS I got an email from Trisha Abbe. They helped us by paying my mortgage, utilities and even got us groceries. I am very Bless and pray and thank GOD.
Thank you.

Galen’s Cancer Journey
In March of 2020, at about the same time the COVID-19 pandemic started, I felt a small bump on my chest. I didn’t think much about it, as I had an abscess before and thought the doctors and hospital were overwhelmed, so I let it go. COVID also caused work to slow down where we went from having 20 employees to only 4. This made it difficult to get time off and I ignored the bump. In December 2020, I woke in the middle of the night with chest pain and shortness of breath and since I had experienced a heart attack before, I rushed to the ER. When I got there, they ran several tests and scans found that I was not having a heart attack but had mass on my chest. I told them that I had an abscess before, so they sent me on my way with antibiotics. I was advised I needed to get my own doctor asap, so she referred me to a specialist. I was done at the ER about 5am, and was scheduled as the opening manager at 6am, so off to work I went (as the good employee I am LOL). At about 9am the other manager showed up to work, called me to the office, and told me some bad news, that our division had just been sold to our main competition and the sale would finalize on December 31st. Talk about a double whammy in one day! I had found a lump and maybe lost a job in one day. Later in the day we were advised that they were keeping all the employees, especially myself, since I had prior work experience with them. The new company also meant new insurance, so that would mean a doctor visit would have to wait. I advised my new boss and HR department of the lump on my chest and they were very supportive and reassured me my new insurance would start quickly. They advised that since it may be cancer I would have to wait two pay periods to start claims, of which I am uncertain why that was the case.
So, the end of January rolls around and as I am making my doctor’s appointment I find out the other manager now has COVID. I had to push my appointment by two weeks only to be diagnosed with COVID myself, which meant I had to wait another two weeks. The craziness continues for 2021. I come into work, then my General Manager and office girl come down with COVID. They go out and then the Texas Freeze shuts down basically everything for another three weeks.
It is now April 1st and I finally get to see my PCP. She refers me to Solis where they perform a mammogram and subsequent sonogram that reveals two masses – one my chest and one under arm. They tell me I will have to return for a sonogram biopsy. The results come back as IDC breast cancer with a likelihood of it being Stage 3 Cancer! Both my dad and sister died of cancer so I saw their painful and slow death. The amount of crazy thoughts that went through my head, along with not wanting to go through what they did swirled in my head.
In less than 10 minutes, Brandy, my Nurse Navigator called me. She explained her role in helping cancer patients navigate through the craziness of cancer treatments, explain what is happening and aid in finding the right doctors, charities, other resources, and the craziness of insurance (which I don’t think anyone can do!) I told her I did not think I was going to treatments after what my dad and sister went through. After a long talk, I told her my family history, about my son and his family and their future. She guided me through my thought processes and together we made an appointment with a surgical oncologist, Dr. M. Umar Butt. (I know the jokes are coming). Brandy helped me get my head on right, I knew God had sent here to be my guardian angel!
As my son and I arrive at my appointment we are cracking jokes about the Dr’s name and he walks in cracking his own jokes. It was at this moment I felt at ease and I knew that I could trust this Doctor to get me through this. So, when a man can make fun of own name, he’s okay in my books. So, he lets me know he has a solid plan for my treatment from start to finish which also helps my mental health. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer on the left side. We decided to do a double mastectomy because male breast cancer spreads easily to the other side. I had my surgery May 6th and it went well with no complications. The only thing was bruising. It looks like I got run over by a Mac truck. I was in hospital for two days afterward then stayed at my brothers for another 4 days before I went home and got back my passion of photography. I took advantage of the down time to edit past photo shoots, scan and edit my dad’s old slides and do a lot more shoots since I was off work for my 9 to 5 job. My doctor installed a chemo port 4 weeks post surgery so I could start my chemo, which was about 20 treatments, the first four were every other week and the last 16 were every week. I was very lucky that the only two side effects were loss of hair at about day 16 of chemo and swelling of the legs after treatment 11. My chemo doctor is Dr. Nwitzu (the “n “is silent).

Brandy assisted me during my chemo journey in finding Living Proof Cancer Warriors while I was still undergoing my chemo treatment in May of 2021. They assisted me with my out of pocket medical expenses and bills until I could get back on my feet again. They also provided me with a mentor, nutritional advice and encouragement to live a healthier lifestyle.
This is a little more about me – I was number 9 out of 10 children, with my youngest brother dying within a couple of months from birth defects. There were 8 boys – David, Dick (who wants to be called Richard now), Darrel, Don, Dennis, Doug, myself – Galen Dean and Daniel) and 2 girls – Bonnie and Becky. I really feel like I grew up by myself as my 4 oldest siblings were off in the military and 9 years older than me. I always wondered why I was the only boy that didn’t have a name that began with the letter ‘D’, although my middle name did. My parents were deeply religious people so when I asked why, they always said it was God’s plan. The name Galen in Greek means ‘Healer’, associated with a second-century physician that was considered to be the founding father of medicine. Now, fifty years later, I think it has a new – Life. Maybe God told them to name me Galen because God knew that I would be on the cancer journey I am now. I believe now that my mission in life is not only to pass the word about male cancer, but also about men’s health in general. Men are so stubborn, do not like going to doctor’s in general and usually wait until it’s really bad or even worse, too late.
I have been lucky. The hospital PR department has helped me spread the word, by doing a press release which caught the eye of several news outlets. So far, the Dallas Morning News has done a story, Local news/ podcast on radio, two local TV and regional TV stations (CBS 11, NBC 5), Spectrum news and Medical City McKinney’s YouTube channel. So, this allowed me to get my message out that men can have breast cancer too and that more people are aware of this possibility.
This is just the beginning of my journey, and I hope to be able to update as I go along. This is not a sprint, but a long marathon. I have to travel fear thousands of yards down this road where there will be much more to go. I hope to bring you along with me.
Godspeed ~ Galen
Syreeta’s Cancer Journey
I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Breast Cancer, Stage 2, just one month after turning 40. If it had not been for my yearly exam and mammogram, I’m not sure my cancer would have been found early enough, as I was asymptomatic. Being that I was diagnosed during the 2020 Pandemic made things a bit hectic, however, I had a Nipple Sparing Bi-lateral Mastectomy, followed by chemo, radiation and monthly hormone injections. This was in addition to infusions every 6 months.
Due to the financial restraints I was facing, I reached out for assistance with my medical bills. Living Proof Cancer Warriors listened to my story, while also showing understanding and compassion. I appreciate them for listening and also for assisting me on this journey.

Our Mom Rita’s Cancer Journey
Our mom was diagnosed with Stage 2 Cervical, originating from the uterus, in February 2022. She underwent surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy for much of last year. Our mom is a strong, determined person, who loves music, loves to dance, laugh, taking care of her plants, and her two dogs Mia and Max. Our mom handled cancer as well as anyone could. She sometimes was too tired to get out with her plants or her animals, and worried about her future, but kept up her spirits overall. She loves to go to church and has been known to play the drums in the church band.
One unfortunate thing that came with cancer along with all of the appointments, medical procedures, changes with diet, energy, being able to be around people, feeling sick, not being able to do things you enjoy, worrying if she would survive cancer-is worrying about money. Our mom lives on a very fixed income as a 71 year old woman. She lives in a modest house and lives very simply but it has been scary to also watch her worry about medical bills, needing copays for multiple medications, supplies for incontinence, protein shakes, special food, assistive devices, and just things that she normally did not think about.
Our mom will continue to have CT scans, blood work, regular check-ups to keep an eye on her health. We were told that the type of cancer she had has a 50% chance of return. For now, we are taking it day by day and enjoying our mom having health and enjoying life again. She will likely recover for months to come but we are grateful for the assistance Living Proof Warrior Advocates provided to help take one worry off her plate.

I AM PROOF – by Mike Shaw
You ever wonder what it’s like to help just one person with cancer? Yea, me either…You see, your donations don’t just touch one life. Family, friends, are touched. Like a row of dominos, it only takes one person to set it in motion.
November 2022, the day I went to the doctor for what I thought was a hernia, I soon heard, “sorry, but you have cancer”. Scared, how am I going to do this? Oh my gosh, my family, how am I, I mean how do I, what if I’m not able to? I turned to Jesus to help me find strength.
I soon got a phone call. They told me they wanted to help me. Who are these people? God was listening to our prayers – Living Proof Cancer Warriors. Imagine your life, like a row of dominoes that stretches for miles and miles. Living Proof Warriors was a chain reaction. Because of you, they pushed that first domino over for me! You not only supported me, but my entire family! I have a large family, and would soon see how big my extended family is. The peace of mind it gave us, can’t be measured.
I told my wife I had a rare disease. The only cure for it was coconut slushies. She’s my hero in all of this.In May of 2023, I heard that word – REMISSION!. To better my odds of survival, I would need a stem cell transplant. I had my doubts that recovery was hard and long. Then my youngest set me down, court laid down the law, of course I’m going to have the stem cell transplant, what was I thinking?
Besides, I got all the popsicles I could eat. Because of you, I have more time for my family, my people. Because of your donation, living proof cancer warriors were there for us. Because of you, the sun will shine again! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I just have one more thing to do.
Smash my Chemo Mug – I am now CANCER FREE!
October 2023

A Storm – by Melody Elliott
In August 2023, my world was turned upside down when I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer. This news came just a month after my separation, ten days after being laid off from my Wealth Management job, and a day after losing my health benefits. It felt like a storm had hit my life.
I underwent a bilateral mastectomy in January 2024, but the battle was far from over. The margins were not clear, and cancer was still present, leading to a second surgery in February 2024. Complications from an implant resulted in a third surgery in May 2024. It was a whirlwind of surgeries and emotions, all while life continued to move forward. But through it all, I held onto faith.
I am profoundly grateful to Living Proof and the incredible support they have provided me over the past year. During those challenging months, I often wondered where my next meal would come from or how I would manage once my savings were depleted. Living Proof stepped in, offering weekly meals, financial assistance, resources, and advice. They created a sanctuary where I never felt judged for my situation or my inability to meet basic needs at times.
Kristi and Trish were my pillars of strength, always there with words of encouragement and a helping hand. Their unwavering support made a significant difference in my life. God has truly placed an amazing team at this organization, and I am deeply thankful for everything they have done for me and my daughters. My testimony of making it through this past year would be incomplete without acknowledging Living Proof. You blessed me when I felt hopeless, and for that, I am forever grateful. I pray for abundance and blessings for all of you in every way.

My Story – Jeanne DeMont
I had been clear from having breast cancer 17 years. I recently moved to DFW to be near family.
I had to go to a new facility for my routine mammogram. I was stunned when they found a new lump. I am going through chemo and then facing a mastectomy. I was devastated. Then the bills for my deductible starting coming in. The mammogram place took almost two months to give me my results and then immediately sent the bill to a collection agency. This stressed me out even more.
Julie at @Texas Oncology referred me to Living Warriors. I sent in the paperwork and within two days was approved. I can not express my gratitude and thankfulness enough to this organization.
Trisha is a wonderful and sweet person who shared her story. She made me realize
that many people go through this and do well. I am so grateful to get the bill paid and not have to worry about it any longer. These are wonderful people who give of their time and energy with amazing results.
A Question of Time. A Time for Questions
Cancer causes questions. Hard ones.
Kathy Linden shares her answers.
In Honor of a Friend – She was a Gem Eric.
PO Box 6196
Frisco, TX 75035
Contact: Trisha Abbe at [email protected] or (214) 414-1981